31. Byrne, M.E., H. Dewar, J.J. Vaudo, B.M. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2024. You shall not pass; the Pacific oxygen minimum zone creates a boundary to shortfin mako shark distribution in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. Biodiversity and Distributions https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13924
30. Herrera, M.A., D. Cardenosa, Y. Papastamatiou, J.J. Vaudo, C. Bermúdez-Rivas and M. Shivji. 2024. High residency of a Critically Endangered hammerhead shark to a small area of the Colombian Pacific coast: Implications for Marine Protected Area design and management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 743: 47–63.https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14658.
29. Daye, D., R. de la Parra Venegas, J. Vaudo, J. Harvey, G. Harvey, M. Shivji and B. Wetherbee. 2024. Tracking four years in the life of a female whale shark reveals consistent migrations in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Marine and Freshwater Research , 75, MF23147. doi:10.1071/MF23147. https://www.publish.csiro.au/MF/MF23147
28. Salinas-de-León, P., J. Vaudo, R. Logan, J. Suarez-Moncada and M. Shivji. 2024. Longest recorded migration of a silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) reveals ample use of international waters of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Journal of Fish Biology 105:378–381. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15788
27. Vaudo, J.J., H. Dewar, M.E. Byrne, B. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2024. Integrating vertical and horizontal movements of shortfin mako sharks, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 732:85-99. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14542
26. Logan, R., J. Vaudo, B. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2023. Seasonally mediated niche partitioning in a vertically compressed pelagic predator guild. Proceedings Royal Society B. 290 (Issue 2012), 20232291. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2023.2291
25. Blondin, H.E., D.E. Haulsee, R. Logan*M. Shivji, E.R. Hoffmayer, J.H. Walker, E.L. Hazen and L.B. Crowder. 2023. Variability in billfish vertical distribution and fishing interactions driven by environmental conditions in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsad090
24. Logan, R.K., J.J. Vaudo, B.M. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2023. Patrolling the border: billfish exploit the hypoxic boundary created by the world’s largest oxygen minimum zone. Journal of Animal Ecology. (w/Journal cover) https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13940
23. Nemeth, R.S., E. Kadison, J. Jossart, M. Shivji, B.M. Wetherbee and J. Matley. 2023. Acoustic telemetry provides insights for improving conservation and management at a spawning aggregation site of the endangered Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus). Frontiers Marine Science - Marine Conservation and Sustainability. Volume 10; https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1154689
22. Weideli, O.C., R. Daly, L.R. Peel, M.R. Heithaus, M.S. Shivji, S. Planes and Y.P. Papastamatiou. 2023. Elucidating the role of competition in driving spatial and trophic niche patterns in sympatric juvenile sharks. Oecologia 201: 673–688.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-023-05355-4
21. Logan, R.K.,, S.M. Luongo, J.J. Vaudo, B.M. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2023. Hunting behavior of a solitary sailfish Istiophorus platypterus and estimated energy gain after prey capture. Scientific Reports 13(1), 1484. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-28748-0
20. Logan, R.K., J.J. Vaudo, C.G. Lowe, B.M. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2022. High-resolution post-release behavior and recovery periods of two highly prized recreational sportfish: the blue marlin and sailfish. ICES Journal of Marine Science https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsac13
19. Womersley, F., et al. 2022. Global collision-risk hotspots of marine traffic and the world’s largest fish, the whale shark. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA 119 No. 20: e2117440119 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2117440119
18. Andrzejaczek, S., et al. 2022. Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances. Vol 8, Issue 3; https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abo1754
17. Vaudo, J., R. Logan, B. Wetherbee, J.C. Harvey, G.C. McN. Harvey and M. Shivji. 2021. Diel vertical movements of a coastal predator, the roosterfish, Nematistius pectoralis. Marine & Freshwater Research https://doi.org/10.1071/MF21066
16. Logan, R.K., J.J. Vaudo, L.L. Sousa, M. Sampson, B.M. Wetherbee, and M.S. Shivji. 2020. Seasonal movement and habitat use of juvenile smooth hammerhead sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean and significance for conservation. Frontiers Marine Science https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.566364
15. Queiroz, N., N.E. Humphries, A. Couto, ...(with 146 alphabetically listed co-authors on this paper)...and Sims, D.W. 2019. Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1444-4
14. Byrne, M.E., J.J. Vaudo, G.C. McN. Harvey, M.W. Johnston, B.M. Wetherbee and M.S. Shivji. 2019. Behavioral response of a mobile marine predator to environmental variables differs across ecoregions. Ecography https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.04463
13. Francis, M.P., M.S. Shivji, C.A.J. Duffy, P.J. Rogers, M.E. Byrne, B.M. Wetherbee, S.C. Tindale, W.S. Lyon and M.M. Meyers. 2019. Oceanic nomad or coastal resident? Behavioural switching in the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus). Marine Biology, 166: 5 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-018-3453-5
12. Daly, R., M.J. Smale, S. Singh, D. Anders, M. Shivji, C.A. Keating Daly, J.S.E. Lea, L.L. Sousa, B.M. Wetherbee, R. Fitzpatrick, C.R. Clarke, M. Sheaves and A. Barnett. 2018. Refuges and risks: Evaluating the benefits of an expanded MPA network for mobile apex predators. Diversity and Distributions https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.12758
11. Sequeira, A.M. et al. 2018. Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115 (12) 3072-3077 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1716137115
10. Lea, J., B. Wetherbee, L. Sousa, C. Aming, N. Burnie, N. Humphries, N. Queiroz, G. Harvey, D. Sims and M.S. Shivji. 2018. Ontogenetic partial migration is associated with environmental drivers and influences fisheries interactions in a marine predator. I CES Journal of Marine Science https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsx238
9. Vaudo, J.J., M.E. Byrne, B.M. Wetherbee, G.M. Harvey, A. Mendillo Jr., and M.S. Shivji. 2017. Horizontal and vertical movements of white marlin, Kajikia albida, tagged off the Yucatan Peninsula. ICES Journal of Marine Science https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsx176
8. Byrne, M.E., E. Cortés, J.J. Vaudo, G.C.M. Harvey, M. Sampson, B.M. Wetherbee and M. Shivji. 2017. Satellite telemetry reveals higher fishing mortality rates than previously estimated, suggesting overfishing of an apex marine predator. Proceedings Royal Society B. 284: 20170658. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.065
7. Howey, L.A., B.M. Wetherbee, E.R. Tolentino and M.S. Shivji. 2017. Biogeophysical and physiological processes drive movement patterns in a marine predator. Movement Ecology 5:16 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-017-0107-z
6. Vaudo, J.J., M.E. Byrne, B.M. Wetherbee, G.M. Harvey and M.S. Shivji. Long-term satellite tracking reveals region-specific movements of a large pelagic predator, the shortfin mako shark, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. 2017. Journal of Applied Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12852
5. Pickard, A.E., J.J. Vaudo, B. Wetherbee, R.S. Nemeth, J.B. Blondeau, E.A. Kadison and M.S. Shivji. 2016. Comparative use of a Caribbean mesophotic coral reef and association with fish spawning aggregations by three species of shark. PLOS ONE 11(5): e0151221.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0151221
4. Vaudo, J.J., B.M. Wetherbee, A.D. Wood, K. Weng, L.A. Howey-Jordan, G.M. Harvey, M.S. Shivji. 2016. Vertical movements of shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the western North Atlantic Ocean are strongly influenced by temperature. Marine Ecology Progress Series 547: 163–175. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps11646
3. Lea, J.S.E., B.M. Wetherbee, N. Queiroz, N. Burnie, C. Aming, L.L. Sousa, G.R. Mucientes, N.E. Humphries, G.M. Harvey, D.W. Sims and M.S. Shivji. 2015. Repeated, long-distance migrations by a philopatric predator targeting highly contrasting ecosystems. Scientific Reports , 5, doi:10.1038/srep11202. http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150609/srep11202/full/srep11202 .html
2. Teter, S.M., B.M. Wetherbee, D.A. Fox, C. H. Lam, D.A. Kiefer and M. Shivji. 2014. Migratory patterns and habitat use of the sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) in the Western North Atlantic. Marine & Freshwater Research , 66: 158–169. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF14129
1. Vaudo, J.J., B.M. Wetherbee, G. Harvey, R.S. Nemeth, C. Aming, N. Burnie, L.A. Howey Jordan and M.S. Shivji. 2014. Intraspecific variation in vertical habitat use by tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the western North Atlantic. Ecology and Evolution 4(10):1768–1786.https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1053